We are Tyler and Amy Hill. We were married Dec. 6th 2008 and have loved every minute of married life. Both Tyler and I are in school, and currently don't have any children. We enjoy spending time with our family and friends and adore our many nieces and nephews. Tyler is currently pursuing a career in the Air Force.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lukewarm Death

My mom always says when she isn't feeling good, that she feels like "death warmed over". I feel so horrid, I am not even warmed over, I am only lukewarm. Thank Heaven for understanding primary presidents who help you find a sub for your class!

Tyler has been preparing to take the ASVAB for a second time this coming Monday. I am so nervous for him and I keep praying and and praying that he will pass this time. The first time he took it, he only missed passing by 5 points... that was definitely a tough blow. So, he has been studying all month and is feeling more prepared for the test. We, along with our families are fasting this Sunday in Ty's behalf. I also called and had his name put on the prayer list at the temple. So, with all the studying, prayer and fasting, I have faith that Tyler will be successful this time. But as in all things, everything is in the Lord's hands.